Showing all 3 results

Open Farm Catch-of-the-Season Whitefish Dry Dog Food

High protein and highly popular – even with the highly picky. Serve them wild-caught seasonal whitefish approved by Ocean Wise® prepared with functional ingredients like locally sourced non-GMO pumpkin and carrot, and superfoods like coconut oil. It’s premium nutrition without antibiotics, corn, wheat or soy.

Open Farm Grass Fed Beef Dog Food

High protein and highly worthy of your (sometimes picky) dog. Serve them a meal packed with humanely raised 100% grass-fed Wagyu beef, functional ingredients like locally sourced non-GMO pumpkin and apple, and superfoods like coconut oil. It’s premium nutrition without antibiotics, corn, wheat or soy.

Open Farm Wild-Caught Salmon Dry Dog Food

High protein and highly irresistible. Serve them Ocean Wise® approved fresh Pacific salmon with functional ingredients like locally sourced non-GMO pumpkin and apple, and superfoods like coconut oil. It’s premium nutrition without corn, wheat or soy.